Fireball Spell in BossVerse | World Anvil


Spell Name: Fireball   Spell Type: Spell   MP Cost: 30   Casting Time: 1 Action   Range: 90 Feet   Target: A Creature or Object within range   Duration: Instantaneous   Spell Code: Unknown       You hurl a ball of Fire at a creature or object within range   A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried   Unlike Firebolt, Fireball explodes on contact causing all Creatures nearby to also get hit by the Fireball   ---Direct Hit---   On a hit, the target takes (2D20) Fire Damage   On a hit, the target takes (1D20) Explosive Damage   This spell’s damage increases by (+1D6) when you reach Expert Mage Level, Master Mage Level (+1D12), and Master+ Mage Level (+1D20)   Targets on fire take extra damage [+1D10 Fire Damage]   ---Indirect Hit---   On a hit, the target takes (1D20) Fire Damage   On a hit, the target takes (1D10) Explosive Damage   This spell’s damage increases by (+1D4) when you reach Expert Mage Level, Master Mage Level (+1D6), and Master+ Mage Level (+1D12)   Targets on fire take extra damage [+1D8 Fire Damage]


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