
Condition: Ghoul       Pro:   Darkvision   Ghouls were said to have a claw attack that could paralyze their opponents via poison when they inflict damage with it   Eat the Flesh of the Living or Dead to regain HP   Your Fangs/Claws make you quite the dangerous opponent   Infinite Regeneration   Ghoul Immortality [As an Undead, They are hard to kill so you will need to destroy "most" of their body to truly kill them]   Dual Ghoul [Unlike other Undead Thralls, Ghouls can work together without the need for the caster to command them]       Con:   You cannot taste anything       Note:   Undead Trait   Segnen once said "It has vicious Fangs and claws, But it's regeneration is it's most fearsome feature"       ---Average Stats---   Vitality: 200   Strength: 25   Magic: 5   Spirit: 20   Agility: 11   ---ACTIONS---   Eat For Heal [Eating Flesh will give you +300 HP back]   Scratch: 2D20 + 10 [If the Target Fails a CON Save they will gain Mia's Condition for 10 Minutes/15 Turns]   Bite: 3D20 + 10 [If Bitten, The Targets Blood will not Clot]   Heal Turn [You can spend your turn healing thanks to your Infinite Regeneration]   Brutal Pin [When you make a melee attack against a creature no more than one size larger than you, you can give yourself disadvantage. If the attack hits, that creature is considered grappled]


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