
Main Info

  Name/Nickname: Insect/Finger Bearer   Motivation: Basic   Grade: Special Grade   Drops: Sukuna's Finger  

Extra Info

  This Cursed Spirit has absorbed one of Sukuna's Fingers  


  Siege Monster: The Finger Bearer deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.   Improved Cursed Energy Recovery: While in combat, the Finger Bearer regains 100 Cursed Energy per turn.   Evasion: When the Finger Bearer makes a Dexterity Check, on a falure it will take half as much damage while on a success it will take no damage.  


  Multiattack: The Finger Bearer makes 2 attacks with its unarmed strikes or claw.   Unarmed Strikes: 30D100   Claw: 40D100   Cursed Energy Ray: As an action the Finger Bearer can spend up to 3,000 cursed energy, it can launch a cursed energy ball in a line of 50ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range take 10D30 per cursed energy spent in magic damage   Cursed Energy Explosion: As an action the Finger Bearer can spend up to 10,000 cursed energy, forcing every creature within a 30ft circle of them to take Massive Damage [80D200] [This is a AOE Attack]  


  Advanced Regeneration: As a bonus action or as a reaction to receiving damage, the Finger Bearer can spend any amount of cursed energy and regain HP equal to 10 times the amount spent.  

Basic Cursed Techniques


Innate Cursed Techniques


Incomplete Domain

  As a action for 500,000 Cursed Energy, the Finger Bearer fills all the space their in with their Incomplete domain. While inside, all creatures but the Finger Bearer have disadvantage on Wisdom checks. The Finger Bearer can at will open a portal in front of himself or of a creature currently moving in that space.  

Meta Stats

  Strength: 16   Charisma: 4   Wisdom: 16   Intelligence: 8   Constitution: 16   Dexterity: 16  


  Vitality: Unknown   Strength: Unknown   Cursed Energy: Unknown   Agility: Unknown


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