Midas's Breath

Type: Breath Attack   Recharge: 5 Turns   Range: 60 ft   Effect: All creatures and objects within the cone must make a CON saving throw       On a failed save: The creature is turned to gold. They take 100D100 Damage and become Restrained as their limbs or parts of their body solidify into gold [This Ends in Death in most cases]   On a successful save: The creature manages to avoid the worst of the breath but still takes Half Damage and is not restrained. Non-magical objects: Any non-magical objects in the area of effect are instantly turned into solid gold. This includes weapons, armor, and even parts of structures.   Non-magical objects: Any non-magical objects in the area of effect are instantly turned into solid gold. This includes weapons, armor, and even parts of structures.   Magical items: They are turned into gold, losing their magical properties until restored by a Greater Restoration or Wish Spell      

Additional Info:

  Restoration: Creatures or objects turned to gold can be restored using powerful magic like Greater Restoration, Wish, or True Polymorph.   Weight Increase: Creatures or objects that are partially turned to gold might experience a drastic increase in weight, making movement difficult and potentially causing the creature to sink if in water.


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