Monkey King's Staff Item in BossVerse | World Anvil

Monkey King's Staff

---Monkey King's Staff---   Monkey King can make it Disappear and Reappear   Incredibly Durable   Staff is able to regenerate (Even If borken even though it can barley even be chipped) {Written By Ender}   The Staff Can Change Its Length   Only those who are Worthy may lift Monkey King's Staff [Must pass the Worthy Test to lift] [Monkey King Bypasses this] [Monkey King's Version Of Worthy]   This Staff Belongs to Sun Wukong       ---Worthy Test---  
  • One who is Kind
  • One who tries to understands others
  • One who doesn't pick fighting as the first option all the time.
  • Atleast tries to be respectful
  • Doesn't look down on friendship/Companionship.
  • Item type
    Weapon, Melee
    Current Holder


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