Nounna Character in BossVerse | World Anvil


Name: Nounna [No-Nu]   Title: Leader Of The Validus   Status: Alive   Divine Pledge: Vita "I will live my life how I choose and not by how you want me to"   AU: She spends most her time at The Validus Realm   Motivation: To make her Mom proud   Mental Flaw: She is secretly desperate for Love   Sex: Female   Age: ?   Race: Demi-God   Height: 5,5       Strength: ?   Charisma: ?   Wisdom: ?   Intelligence: ?   Constitution: ?   Dexterity: ?       ---Extra Info---   She is The Leader Of The Validus   She reads ALOT of romance books   ---Powers---   Teleportation   When inside The Validus Realm, Her Powers are SO MUCH STRONGER [She also has extra Powers when inside the Realm]   Nounna's Weapon   ---Feats---   None   ---Spells---   Unknown   ---Skills----   Reading = Master   ---Techniques---   Unknown   ---Favor---   Davark = 36%   Priscilla = 86%   ---Languages---   Common   ---Stats---   Vitality: ?   Strength: ?   Magic: ?   Faith: ?   Spirit: ?   Agility: ?   Endurance: ?
Ruled Locations


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