Quackity's Powers

King Of Swords

  Sword Manipulation:   You can remotely manipulate weapons, particularly multiple swords. This ability allows you to control multiple weapons at a distance, adding an extra layer of unpredictability in battle.   Creation Of A Mighty Blade:   When you kill somone, You can turn them into a Sword  


  You got Wings... so you can fly :/  


  When Summoned you get the following Buffs:   Royal Presence:   Roll advantage on Persuasion/Intimidation Checks   HP Anomaly:   It can store up to 100 Points of Damage, once it hits its limit, it will release all that damage and deal it as Magical Damage to all in its AOE.  

Summon Royal Knight

  You can sacrifice a Sword to summon a Royal Knight that will have all the powers of that Blade and more   HOWEVER this cost alot of Mana depending on which blade you use and after 1 Hour the Royal Knight will disappear and you will not regain the Blade  

Prison of Swords

  This subspace allows you to transport whoever you like into a closed and isolated environment, separate from the real world   This ability is your trump card and the most powerful power you can use   Each sword within the enclosed realm maintains a constant latent force of the beings converted into swords. However, a weak point of this ability is that if the swords are destroyed, the strength and power granted by them gradually disappear, weakening whoever manipulates the spacer.   Note: Your Powers are stronger when in here


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