Sebastian's Powers

Engineering Savant

  Engineering Skills: He majored in engineering in college, which reflects his technical prowess and ability to sabotage and manipulate machinery   Sabotage: Allows him to disable or hinder mechanical devices or constructs   Artificer [Learn Locked]   Create Gadgets: He can create small, temporary gadgets that can serve various purposes, like traps or tools  

Anglerfish Light

  Anglerfish Light: Sebastian can control the anglerfish-like light on his forehead, using it as a lamp by pulling it down to turn it on and off   Lure: The light can mesmerize or charm creatures within a certain radius [Learn Locked]   Illuminate: Acts as a powerful light source that can pierce through darkness  


  Disrupt Signal: "In telecommunications, a scrambler is a device that transposes or inverts signals or otherwise encodes a message at the sender's side to make the message unintelligible at a receiver not equipped with an appropriately set descrambling device."   Disrupt Magical Signal: Can create an AOE that disrupts ongoing communication magic [Learn Locked]   EMP Blast: An AOE Ability that temporarily disables technological or magical constructs  

Aquatic Adaptation

  Water Breathing: Can breathe underwater and move freely   Walmart Version Of Hydrokinesis: You can sense Water and know where the water flows to  

Enhanced Senses

  Darkvision: Enhanced vision in low-light and dark conditions   Echolocation: Can use sound waves to detect objects and creatures in complete darkness or obscured areas [Also has the Underwater version]  

Resilient Physiology

  Regeneration: Can heal a small amount of damage each round [+5 Per Turn] {No Healing Turn Needed}   Resistance to Pressure: Immune to damage from high-pressure environments and resistant to bludgeoning damage [-50% bludgeoning damage]  

Manipulative Charisma

  Deception Expert: Roll Advantage on Deception and Persuasion checks  

Sensitive to Light

  Light Vulnerability:   You can be blinded way easier than normal people   When flashed multiple times, You become Staggered   You take more Damage from light based attack  

A Traits

  Human: Human Level Intelligence   Sea Snake: ?   Blue Whale: ?   ██████████████████   Great White Shark: When moving in water, You heal 20% More and Faster   Female Angler Fish: ?   ██████████████████   Silver Spinyfin: ?   Mantis Shrimp: ?


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