
Name: Stisk   Title: The Hunter   Status: Alive   Divine Pledge: ?   AU: 343   Rank: Commoner   Jobs: Bounty Hunter/Hired Help/Adventurer [He cost 10 Copper per Day]   Kingdom: Sloven Nesea   Motivation: To avenge his parents   Mental Flaw: Overly trusting   Sex: Male   Age: 18   Race: Human   Level: 8 "EXP: 64"   Height: 5,8       Strength: ?   Charisma: ?   Wisdom: ?   Intelligence: ?   Constitution: ?   Dexterity: ?       ---Extra Info---   His parents were murdered   He has been shown to be morally good   He has been shown to been well known in the area   ---Powers---   Enhanced Marksmanship: He is REALLY good at using his Bow   Magic Arrows   Enhanced Eyes: He can see way further than others   ---Feats---   Martyr   Disease Resistance   Alert   Legendary Resilience   ---Skills----   Archery = Legendary   ---Techniques---   Unknown   ---Favor---   Valerie = ?   ---Languages---   Common   ---Quotes---  
"My arrow punishes all without distinction"
  ---Stats---   Vitality: 50   Poise: 15+20=35   Strength: 10   Magic: 10   Faith: ?   Spirit: 20   Agility: 8   Endurance: 110


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