Stone Cyclops

Race: Stone Cyclops   HP: 500 [If their eye takes enough damage they die]       Strength: 16   Wisdom: 10   Constitution: 7 [Takes 50% less Damage]   Dexterity: 4       ---Extra Info/Powers---   Super Strength   They are very Big   They tend to not be very Big Brain   Petrifying Beam [They can shoot out a Beam from Their Eye, When the Beam hits something it causes it to turn to stone]   This one can't really speak   Darkvision   ---Attacks---   4. Club Attack: 60 {Strength}   3. Helicopter Attack: 50 {Strength} {Players have to be close}   2. Direct Club Attack: 100 {Disadvantage-Strength}   1. Petrifying Gaze: [If Hit With This Beam It Will Cause The Target To Turn To Stone]       ---Extra Info For Petrifying Gaze---   The stone-eye cyclops fires a magical beam from its eye that turns any matter it touches to stone. The cyclops may pick any point it can see within 60 feet of it, and create a 5-foot wide line up to 20 feet long as long as the ending point is also within 90 feet and the cyclops can see the ending point. None of the line can be within 5 feet of the cyclops itself. As the beam originates from the point of the cyclops, objects and walls may block middle portions of the line, so long as the cyclops can see the start and ending point. Creatures within total cover from the cyclops are unaffected by the beam so long as it is a physical object between them and the cyclops that is granting them cover.   If the Cyclops is killed everything it has turned to stone reverts to normal   Any surface, object, or plant the beam passes over is automatically turned to stone.


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