Time Lord

Race: Time Lord   Nickname: Gallifreyan   Max-Age: 400   Size: Medium   Drops: Time Lord Hearts       Pro:   Time Lord's Regeneration   Time Lord's Time   Time Lord's Big Brain   Two Hearts   You get more Skill Points [3X]   Your Skill points are worth 2X as much as everyone else   Immunity To Most Poisons, Most Diseases   VERY Strong Resistance to Radiation       Con:   None       Note:   You have two Hearts       ---Starting Stats---   Vitality: 200   Poise: 800   Strength: 11   Magic: 500   Faith: 0   Spirit: 100   Regeneration Energy: 1,300   Agility: 9   Endurance: 1,000,000

Basic Information


Time Lords look completely identical to any standard humanoid race , with two somewhat noticeable variations. First, Time Lords have a binary vascular system. This means that instead of having one heart, like most humanoid race, Time Lords have two hearts. The other major difference between Time Lords and humanoids is their life span. Time Lords can live for millennia, partially because they can regenerate their bodies and emerge with a new one, and partially because each body can live for centuries.


Society:   Time Lords, while highly advanced, tend to remain far away from other species' affairs, and abide to strict codes of non-interference. In spite of this, Time Lords are fairly pompous, and some believe that Time Lords' removal from other cultures is a result of arrogance and a mindset that most other races are inferior to them.   Time Lord Names:   Time Lords do have names, but many prefer to be referred to with a title or rank. These titles are often gender-neutral or have variants for each gender, seeing that Time Lords can change their sex upon regeneration. Some Time Lords will also adopt somewhat human names if necessary.


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