
The Entity will need to gather a certain amount of Souls in order to provide the energy needed to Evolve into a Villanus [They need The Villanus Seed]   To become a Villanus you will need 100,000 Powerful Souls [You will also need The Villanus Seed]   If the Entity has 150,000 Souls they will get the Merciless Power [This has to be done Before/During The Evolution into a Villanus]   Once the "Harvest Festival" starts it cannot be stopped and they will feel SUPER sleepy and fall alseep in 2 Minutes   Your Eye color will Change to Red   SIDE NOTE = The Villanus can use "Villanus Points" to unlock WAY more powers   Hero/Villanus Point Gaining   ---Powers You Get From Being A Villanus---   Infinite Regeneration   Black Magic Immunity   1.5X Damage against Hero   You do MUCH more Damage to Good [Innocent] People/Creatures   All your Stats are Greatly Increased [Like Strength And Stuff]   Villanus HP Bonus: +500 HP [Rounds Up/Down]   GREATLY INCREASES MANA [Atleast Over 30X]


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