Zero's Shot Spell in BossVerse | World Anvil

Zero's Shot

Spell Name: "Zero's Shot"   Spell Type: Spell   MP Cost: 50,000,000,000   Casting Time: 1 Action   Range: 600 Ft   Target: A Creature or Object within range   Duration: Instantaneous   Spell Code: Unknown       From DM: This Spell is CRAZY   Damage Type: Heat Damage + Electric Damage + Magical Damage + Disintegration Damage   Anyway This spell can shoot through most things [Can even Tear through Davark's Barriers]   This can tear right through EVEN Artifacts and most Invulnerabilities   ---Extra Info---   Zero was the name of a Mage who spent his Life trying to make the Ultimate Offensive Spell [It kinda worked lol]


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