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Boston on Fire

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Tensions build in Beantown, as the standoff between the Camarilla and Anarchs stretches on. No one has seen the Prince in quite some time, and two Barons vie for control of the streets of southern Boston. The clans pretend that peace has been achieved, but secretly they sharpen their knives, preparing for the next conflagration of hostilities. The Cradle of Liberty has always been a powderkeg, and someone has lit the fuse...   A small coterie tenuously holds onto a small domain on the edge of Camarilla and Anarch territory. They find themselves pieces on a board, being pushed and maneuvered by the powers that be in a game they only begin to understand.   Can they hold their domain in the face of their elders? Can they stem the tide of war? Can they rise of the smoke and ash, and sit upon a throne of their own making?