Bracken Rag - Bloom Issue #3

Sandwich Shutdown - The Sandwich Factory's original location is currently closed. I tried to get an apple and ham and cheese sandwich on Satyrday but there was a sign on the door that said they were closed, which is weird because they are usually only closed on Toolsday. After investigation, I was able to find the sandwich master, Booster, even though she didn't have facial expressions, I could tell she was devastated. She said she recently had pressure sensors installed in her mouth to have a better understanding of how the different textures of the sandwich work together. She lamented that having the Sandwich Factory be closed would make it take longer to for her to have chemical sensors installed to she could make sandwiches with more pleasing traditional flavor combinations. She intends to keep working at the Sandwich Factory II in the mean time. She also didn't say why the shop was closed. I will investigate further.
  Ask Sard - So, I recently read a copy of my competitors news paper. The Brackenport Post. I saw that they had a "Letters to the Editor" section and an advice column where people can send letters and ask questions. I am not entirely sure what an editor does, but I would like to get letters I have set up a Letter Box at the Redscale Way Letter Carriers Office in the Ends., So if you want to ask for advice or send me letters, now you can!
  Boom Review - Finally got a copy of the new Professor bizarre book., Professor Bizarre and the Carnival of Chaos and I love it! It feathers a dashing trick shot who works in a travelling circus and heroically saves a damsel and then gives up his life of adventure and travel to follow her to the big city. They fall in love and have a big wedding at the end of the book. So romantic!
  The Pigeon Report - MM-I334, MA-A330, MS-M341, TM-B352, TA-E342, TS-I357, WM-N344, WA-G339, WS-F347, THM-O339,TA-L344, TS-L358, FM-O352, FA-W358, FS-E357-D
  Soup Recipe - Dandelion and Strawberry Soup


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