Verity used to serve as an abassador to The Kingdom of Shimmering Lake. Verity, known simply as V, was a well connected and well known diviner. His most recent voyage to Shimmering Lake was met with tragedy, however, as he was slain by the king's guard. However, V was able to send a message home, pre-written of course, with instructions. There was no need to avenge him, but it would be best for Brackenport to avoid sending other envoys or abassadors to the Kingdom of Shimmering Lake for at least a decade or so.
V appeared as a tiefling man with molten blue eyes, porcelin white skin, and long dark hair that he kept held back with a silver clasp. He often wore long purple robes, denoting his station as a diviner. His horns curled up and away from his face from where they grew above his eye browns. A playful smile often graced V's lips, implying that he new something that you didn't yet, which he often did.