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Nairne Cailean Cleardraft (a.k.a. Brae)

Brae Cleardraft is a young person who lived as an urchin for many chears in the small town of Kragstrahd, until they joined up with The Strays as they passed through the town after they visited the haunted castle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Brae is very slim and small, using that to their advantage to move quickly and quietly, as well as to blend into crowds.

Body Features

Where youc an see their skin, there are various scars from old injuries from living on the streets for the majority of their life.  It is mostlly hidden by their clothing.

Facial Features

Their face is very soft, and very young looking.  They have a few piercings but they are all very subtle.

Identifying Characteristics

Brae doesn't have huch in the way of physical identifying features - however, they wear a headscarf amajority of the time, so if you know them it can be used to quickly pick them out of a crowd.

Physical quirks

Brae walks slightly tilted so they lead with their left side, like their perpetually trying to appear smaller and to squeeze through crowds in a way that disturbes as little as possible.

Apparel & Accessories

Brae tends to dress dark, very simply with darker shades to blend in a lot more to the shadow. Their naturally silver hair stads out very sharply, so they wear a headscarf loosely so it doesn't stick out quite so much.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Brae wasaround 6 years old, their parents were murdered by intruders affiliated with the Red Boad gang.  One of them, in an act of cruelty left Brae with a brand across thier back.  Since then, Brae has been homeless, and has helped raise other children that were on the streets of Kragstrahd.

Gender Identity

Brae identifies as Non-Binary, and dresses fairly androgynously.  They have long hair but it is almost alwas hissen under their head-scarf.  Brae uses they/them pronouns, however if the situation calls for them to look a certain way they can alter their appearance just enought to appear whatever gender is required.




Brae taught themselves the basics of reading and writing so they could help the kids that ehy were raising; and some the friendlier townsfolk helped where they could for more specialist skills, such as basic cooking, firelighting, and hunting and trapping of rodents.


The first real scrap of employment Brae has ever had was when they led the Strays to the manor of Lord Vilstrahd.  They have on occasion done odd jobs for townsfolk, but for the majority of the time they stole to survive.

Mental Trauma

Brae has Anxiety, as well as some slight PTSD.

Morality & Philosophy

Brae's personal understaning of those around them is that everyone should be given a chance at good things, but those that have lost that chance don't always deserve another.

Personality Characteristics


Brae's main motivation is to keep people safe, while also seeing thrills in causing small amounts of chaos without anyone knowing they were the cause.

Likes & Dislikes

Brae likes the stars, and singing.  They dislike alcohol.

Virtues & Personality perks

Brae is a very dedicated person, and holds their values very close to them.  They're very observant and take in information quickly.

Vices & Personality flaws

Brae tends to act first and explain later.  They're hyper independant and will leave to explore their own theories before they raise it with the rest of the party.

Personality Quirks

The closest thing Brae has to a tic is playing with their head-scarf; but they do play with things and fidget a lot.  If they have a glass in their hand, they're fidgeting; and if not, they're tapping their fingers together, and using it to self-soothe.
Chatoic Good
Date of Birth
4th day of Early-Summer
Year of Birth
724 WV 19 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Bray can read and write well in Common and Halfling, as well as also known Thieves Cant.


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