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Coins of Bramble Grove are, by far, the most common form of currency used in trade for both small and large purchases. All coins work on a factor of 10, with the following order: Copper Ergo, 1 Platinum Piece = 10 gold pieces = 100 silver pieces = 1000 copper pieces.   Given the fantasy nature of the world, prices for various goods and services are more consistent with how they would have been during medieval times rather than modern day.   All people would be familiar with copper and silver pieces. Anyone above farmers or peasants would be familiar with gold pieces. Platinum pieces are relatively rare outside of the extremely wealthy, merchant, banking, or noble circles as they are primarily used for large amounts of currency exchanges. For all coinage, 50 coins approximately equals 1 pound of weight (do not need to track for character sheets).


Platinum Piece (also called Groves)

Gold Piece (Also called Trees)

Silver Piece (Also called Twigs)

Copper Piece (Also called leaves)

List of Example Prices (all prices are vague and subject to change based on economy, availability, and more):

Food Items:

Loaf of Bread: 3 cp   Gallon of Ale: 3 cp   Gallon of Wine: 1 sp   Pound of Cheese: 3 cp   Pound of Salt: 3 sp    


Cow: 3 gp to 6 gp   Sheep: 3 sp to 6 sp   Pig: 9 sp to 15 sp   Horse: 15 sp to 30 gp    


Renting a small cottage for a year: 9 sp   Buying a house in a town: 30 gp   Staying at an inn per night: 3 cp    

Worker's Salary:

Laborer per day: 3 to 9 cp   Skilled craftsman per day: 9 cp to 1 sp 5 cp   Knight's annual income from lands: 300 gp   Clerk or scribe per year: 24 gp to 48 gp    

Goods and Services:

Pair of shoes: 15 to 30 cp   Book: 30 gp   Sword: 60 sp   Tunic: 3 to 6 sp  


Basic tutoring or local school: 5 cp per month   University fees: Universities were rare and prestigious. A year might cost 10 gp, not including books and lodging.    

Fees for Crimes:

Minor offenses (e.g., public drunkenness): 5 cp   Theft: Depending on the value of the stolen item, it could range from 1 sp to 5 gp.   Assault: 10 sp    

Healthcare and Apothecary Services:

Visit to a local healer or wise woman: 3 cp   Apothecary remedies: Depending on the rarity of the ingredients, 5 cp to 2 sp per remedy.   Surgery (e.g., amputation): Medical knowledge was limited, and surgeries were risky. A surgery might cost 1 gp.    

Art Patronage:

Commissioning a local artist for a portrait: 5 sp   Patronizing a well-known artist for a large work: 20 to 50 gp   Building a chapel with frescoes: 500 gp and upwards.    

Religious Services:

Having a mass said for a loved one: 1 sp   Buying an indulgence: Varied widely based on the perceived "value" of the sin, from 1 sp to 10 gp.   Marriage ceremony in a church: 5 sp    


Hiring a horse for a day: 2 sp   Booking passage on a ship for a short journey: 5 sp   Hiring a guide or guard for a journey: 1 sp per day    


Attending a local fair or festival: 2 cp   Hiring a minstrel for an evening: 1 sp   Buying a book of songs or poems: 15 sp    

Luxury Goods

Manor and Estate:

Buying a manor: 1,600 to 5,200 gp   Annual upkeep of a manor: 200 gp   Cook: 3 gp   Steward (oversees the estate): 40 gp  


Buying a high-quality coach or carriage: 200 gp   Annual upkeep for the carriage: 10 gp   Buying a fine horse: 100 gp   Tack and equipment for a horse: 10 gp  

Mercenaries and Armies:

Hiring a small mercenary group (about 10 men): 20 gp per month   Raising a small private army (about 100 men): 200 gp per month   Raising a large army (1,000 or more men): 1,600 gp per month    

Luxuries and Miscellaneous:

Commissioning a portrait by a renowned artist: 100 gp   Hosting a grand feast: 100 to 200 gp   Purchasing a rare book or manuscript: 200 gp   Buying fine jewelry: 100 to 400 gp   Sponsoring a tournament: 400 to 1,600 gp    

Political and Social:

Bribing a local official: 20 to 70 gp   Funding a church or monastery: 700 to 5,200 gp   Endowing a university or school: 1,600 to 10,400 gp

Manufacturing process

The main mint is located within the city of Bramble Grove with resources collected from numerous entities, especially the Coonfolk mines of the west.


Coinage became the default currency of the grove around 100 AG.
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Variable by Denomination
Raw materials & Components
Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Copper as their name implies.

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