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Illmari is the god of neutrality and balance. They are a powerful entity that watches over the planes of existence, maintaining the standstill between good and evil, chaos and law. They are feared by both gods and devils alike, as they will assist or hinder either in ruthless manners should they deem it nesseceray. As such they have few worshippers, as 'neutrality' is a difficuilt concept to rally forces behind. One day you may slaughter a town of innocents side by side with demons (the devils had taken a city, and so the demons must be brought to even level), the next you may liberate a town from the rule of a tyrant (good had taken to many losses in this area).  

Appearance and symbols

Illmari is typically depicted in inhuman fashions, as a glowing eye or a corrupt angel - they are just a force.   Due to their lack of worshippers they have no universally ackowledged symbol, nor have they ever taken the form of a dragon.


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