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Khalijian is the god of war and hunt, of meaningless bloodshed for sport. He relishes in cutting down foes with his sword Lament, a blade said to be covered in blood that never dries. Khalijian does not do this out of malice, and will usually direct his bloodthirstiness towards fiend and evildoers, earning him a place in the Creed instead of Hell. His war is the massacre of a camp of devils that had done no crime, and the fury of a parent singlehandely protecting their children from a relentless horde of monsters. If the battle is fierce, it is of him.  

Appearance and symbols

Khalijan is typically depicted as a human man, fighting some unholy evil with his sword. Lament is also his symbol. It is always a sword, though what type varies.   His associated dragons are White Dragons and Bronze Dragons.
Chaotic Neutral
Ruled Locations


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