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Kupier is an outcast among the gods, and rarely worshipped by mortals. They appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, as the creatures of the material plane started dying. Kupier lives alone in their realm, Shi-kai, a world of stone devoid of life. From the centre a river runs, splitting into many branches, one for each divine realm. It is said that the river is made by the tears of Kupier, who cries from the loneliness of every creature they meet being dead. When a creature on the material plane dies their soul goes to Shi-Kai, where Kupier judges each based on their actions in life. The river carries the souls to the planes corresponding to their alignment.   The temple of Kupier believe in new chances, as you can change your fate up until the moment you enter Shi-Kai, where Kupier will give you a new life. A central part of their teachings is that you must not resist change, you must embrace it and follow the flow of your life like your soul will follow the river of souls. They do however despise the undead and resurrection, as disrupting the work of Kupier is seen as resisting the natural order. Kupier's role is to maintain the balance, as there can be no life without death, and this balance must not be disrupted.  

Appearance and symbols

Kupier is typically depicted as a androgynus figure clad in voluminous, black robes - or shrouded with a black veil. Regardless, they are fairly anonymous - only the dead see their true face.   Kupier's symbol can be hard to spot due to it being nothing, typically circled around for some sort of visual clarity.   The dragon commonly associated with Kupier are the Topaz Dragons, as they are the emodiment of decay.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations
Divine Domains


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