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The Hunter

The Hunter is a multifaced deity - they literally have four different forms, each representing a season. It is said that when the sun sets on new years eve, the hunter succumbs to old age and dies - only to be reborn on the dawn of the 1st Celethar. These phases each have their own name, but are collectively known as the Hunter. The Hunter is a deity of change and seasons, as well as the eternal hunt. They travel from world to world as the seasons change, looking for new prey.   The Hunter does not hunt simply for the thrill, but for the knowledge of how to hunt - how to protect and how to provide for others. As such they are revered by hunters and gatherers, people who hunt for food - not nobles who hunt for pleasure. Their priests will also pray for seasons change, may it be an early spring or summer.   At their core, the Hunter represents both change and permanence. They may change form as the earth changes it's face with the seasons, but they are still the Hunter - and the tree is still there. Even if the tree is felled by a woodsman it is turned into a house, and if the house burns it will become nourishment for future trees. Everything is always in change, yet also the same.


Spring -Aurora, a young girl carrying a bow and arrow   Summer - Arun, a young man carrying fishing equipment   Autumn - Amber, a middle aged woman carrying a spear   Winter - Andri, an old man carrying a trophy of his past hunts (typically a set of antlers)  

Appearance and symbols

The Hunter is represented by a wheel that is always turning, or weapon/trophy of a specific form.   Their appearance varies wildly, as they appear to have a new form each time they show themselves - one year's Aurora may not resemble the next.   They do not truly have one associated dragon, but have been known to take the shape of many different types - both metallic, gem and chromtic.
Neutral Neutral


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