The return of the gods

Celestial / Cosmic

Day 6 of Ashandri / 6th Void of Year 1, Day of the Ocean

After being cut off from all other planes for five days, new conduits open up, and the gods return to Ashandri. But they are not the only ones coming into the world...

For five days, the servants of the gods were practically powerless. Cities that relied on their protection were overrun, destroyed or enslaved. Some abandoned their faith, others prayed even harder. And at the sixth day of the new world, their prayers were answered.   One or two hours before dawn, the gods returned. Many of their followers received dreams, others simply felt their magical abilities working again. For those captured or oppressed by their enemies, it often meant they were able to fight once more.   The result was a new outbreak of violence, ranging from small skirmishes to great revolts. But new battles were not the only consequence. The deities returning was also a sign of things getting back to normal. And it also meant that death didn't turn people into restless spirits anymore. The hope of a just afterlife came back along with the gods.   The conduits to other planes not only affected the servants of the gods, though. Planar travel was possible again, as well as many other spells that relied upon a connection to other dimensions. The most notable event connected to this is known as the Summoning of the Horde. A group of spellcasters in Hag’s Rest opened several gates to the Lower Planes, creating an army of powerful demonic and infernal creatures that they sent to kill the Night Queen.   Noone truly knows what happened, but somehow, the Hag Queen broke the spells, freeing the fiendish creatures. They slaughtered their summoners, reinforcing Agrutha’s rule over the city, and then wandered off into the swamps of Shamrua. While many of the fiends should be mortal enemies, something seems to keep them from killing each other. The Horde still plagues Shamrua, journeying through the region and leaving a trail of destruction behind.

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