The days of the Arcanists

Cultural event

Days 3-5 of Ashandri / 3rd-5th Void of Year 1

A message of hope changes the world. Just not for everyone.

Despite ongoing conflicts, a new incident changed the world for many people. An organization calling themselves the Arcanists managed to cast a spell that reached every sentient being on Ashandri, as long as it wasn't shielded from telepathic communication. They sent a short, but important message, and while not everyone believed it, many took it as a promise of a brighter future. The exact words have been written down in many books and scripts, in almost any language, and they always tell the same.   Survivors of Virthys, listen to us. We are the Arcanists. Our home has been torn apart by the gods, but we have been saved. Our world, or what is left of it, now exists in a dimension called Braythe. Our saviour is Marisha Veilbreaker. We all owe her our lives, each and every one of us. We know you are confused, even terrified. But we have been given a second chance. Let us build a new world from the ashes of the old. Let us live for hope, not fear and hatred.   It were these few words that brought many people back together, shifting the focus away from the differences, and towards what united them. But it didn't work for everyone, everywhere. For some, the wounds and the hatred were too deep to simply forgive each other. Others simply had no interest in peace. In the underground realms of Ashandri, the ghastly Shadowblood Elves laughed at the message while invading weakened neighboring settlements. Hag's Rest turned into a criminal community with hordes of slaves, and in the Ocean of Ash, powerful undead built their new empire around the Grave Palace.   But despite all that, the message of the Arcanists turned the tides. In their honor, the next few days are still called the Days of the Arcanists by many - the short time before the next major turn of events: The return of the gods.

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