The Andromeda Alliance Organization in Break Through | World Anvil
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The Andromeda Alliance


Half of the Andromeda galaxy, and two thirds of the civilised area around the entry point to the milky way from the Andromeda.

Technological Level

Robots, nanites, and many more. They are the technological power in the galaxy.

Foreign Relations

The alliance takes up half of the Andromeda galaxy and two thirds of the civilised area around the entry poiint to the Milky Way from the Andromeda. Their only rival is the Warriors Way Pact which is comprised of all the anti alliance forces left. They are mostly contained to about five percent of the galaxy but are so deeply entrenched there that attack even bye a quarter of the alliance forces would be suicide.

Agriculture & Industry

They mostly make advanced technology and sell it to the more passive nations but mostly make, mine, and grow their own stuff.

Trade & Transport

The gateway network. The fifty lanes warp network. The Andromeda Milky way hyper warp lane.


All the education.


The great star wall, the gateway network, the Andromeda Milky Way hyper warp lane, the five corners warp lane network.

The guiding lite to follow in the endless dark of space.

Alternative Names
The Alliance, and bleeeeeeeeeep stuff I don't want to translate bleep false alliance filth
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Galactic credits. Each galactic credit is equal to one gram of pure metallic zenium.
Major Exports
Robots, nanites, mining equipment, ships, weapons,
Major Imports
Alien DNA, Precursor tech, very small amounts of minerals, alloys and neutronium.
Legislative Body
Each federated state is made up of sectors, each sector elects one Knowledge Board approved scientist. Every scientist works with a politician elected in the same way minus the approval process. Each pair goes to the Galactic Hub. They then propose and vote on bills. The public also have a public online forum where they can propose bills. These bills are filtered by an AI that picks the best fifty of the forum and puts them in their own section on the forum As Well as sending them to the council for viewing. The top one hundred bills on the forum are also sent to the council for review. If a bill on the forum gets a sixty five percent up vote ratio and ten percent of the Alliance vote on it then it is atoumaticly put to vote by the council.   When a bill gets voted on each sectors representative together count for half the vote and the other half is from a live public vote. In the event of a tie the council atoumaticly wins.
Judicial Body
A high court comprised of lawyers and Knowledge Board approved scientists.
Official Languages


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