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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit but rather scrawny and short, it is rather obvious that Feng is not among the stronger individuals.

Facial Features

Blonde hair accentuates his blue eyes and fair complexion. Still being young one might say he has a babyface.

Identifying Characteristics

High heel boots, light blonde hair

Special abilities

Knows his way around the rooftops of waterdeep (Uses acrobatics instead of athletics to climb).

Apparel & Accessories

The 3 most notable things in Feng's wardrbe are a shirt with an semi-open back, his messenger bag and his one of a kind high-heeled boots.

Specialized Equipment

While others have trouble learning to walk in heeled footwear, Feng has mastered the ability of skipping over rooftops in them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feng hasn't known a thing about his parents since he could think, being raised by the caretakers at the orphanage. As usual with urchins and the like, he resorted to stealing and being a leech to society to survive. But one day, biting off more than he could chew, he attempted stealing bread from an old man. Unbeknownst to Feng this old man was Master Fontaine, a renowned martial artist, and was quick to apprehend and discipline young Feng and make him leave empty handed. Amazed by his ability at such an old age Feng returned day after day to "steal" from Master Fontaine, getting further by the day until it became obvious that he was trying to learn and apply the techniques he was witnessing. Master Fontaine took him under his Wing and taught him most of what he knows, making Feng his first and only student.Master Fontainemostly took him to the ward where he lived to train, The Fallen City. There Feng was subjected to a nerve wracking and brutal training regime that was even deadly at most points but also rather effective. The time spent there meant a lot to Feng, so much so that Feng sees him as the missing father figure in his life. Afterwards Feng landed a job as a messenger / courier for letters and smaller packages. The turning point came when he was out on a delivery of a small sealed package and started being followed by the infamos Griffon Squad. Feng did not know what was in the package but he knew that it didn't matter at this point and that he had to run. He managed to run for quite a while before being caught but eventually the chase came to an end as nobody can outrun the Griffon Squad. Under interrogation one of the members of the Griffon Squad, who Feng believed was the leader of the bunch, introduced herself as Ezra and explained the outcomes this situation could have for Feng. He was to either rot in jail for the rest of his life, be executed or use his movement skills that impressed her to run a few errands for her from time to time. Having no choice Feng agreed to joining her shady acts of information gathering and special deliveries to keep himself alive.//SPECIAL SIGN BADGE THINGY// Ezra later on introduced him to a contact in the criminal underworld he could ask for a favor since he is indebted to Feng and shuns him for it, his name was Vik. Feng now lives a double life as a regular messenger and as a smuggler and informant. In his day to day life he dreads the moment he receives another task from Ezra as he knows that the consequences of what he does are severe.

Masters speed and technique rather than strength. If you can't find him just look above you and you might just catch a glimpse of him running across the rooftops delivering messages and packages.

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