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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She was very tough and fit. Her agile movements allowed for wondrous tricks she could pull off.

Identifying Characteristics

One of her horns is cut

Special abilities

She was able to use some of Quinn's abilities, for example the ability to devour spells that were being cast

Specialized Equipment

She closes thing to a weapon she used was quarterstaff

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Flawed was raised in an orphanage, where she met Quinn. Quinn was a girl very similar to her, they both didn't have many friends. They became friends very quickly, and eventually started to fall in love. Her memories were eaten away, due to Quinn being a Mind Eater. Quinn didn't want to hurt Flawed any further, though, so she made her run. She gave her memories of being followed by Quinn, being followed by a gang of evildoers. But the only thing they were followed by, was the curse that Flawed has received. Quinn was ready to never see Flawed again, but the last time they saw, Quinn saw it.. the face of the curse. It was disgusting and slowly killing Flawed from the inside. Flawed's body grew weaker, as did her mind. Quinn ripped the curse out of Flawed and channeled it inside her own body. She contained it inside. But that made her body rot away, slowly, but surely. Flawed, not knowing what she did, flailed her arms around and forced the artifact Quinn was using to misfire, causing all 3 entities to be captured in the same body. The curse overtook Quinn's soul and Flawed, in the events of Tomb of Annihilation, realized what was happening. She tried to free Quinn and herself of the curse, but tragically died trying.



Accomplishments & Achievements

She freed Quinn and herself from their curse

Failures & Embarrassments

She couldn't let Quinn live through it

Mental Trauma

Her memories were slowly eaten away over the years she was with Quinn

Intellectual Characteristics

Kindhearted, she wanted to make things right. She wanted Quinn and herself to be able to live through all of it...


Real weapons, firearms

A tiefling with one cut off horn who has problems with solving problems without violence, but tries her best to be more kind even if that doesn't always work out.

View Character Profile

Quinn, Flawed's Girlfriend

Date of Birth
20th Day of Kythorn
20 BTS 1 BTS 19 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Groundhog Day
Circumstances of Death
Luck of the draw
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red / Pink
5' 10''
165 lbs.
Known Languages
Common Infernal

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