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Moon Base

Purpose / Function

It was used by the Moon Man as a lair. Here, he held not only thousands of powerful souls he forced into weapons, but also many of his warlocks, that turned against him. He robbed them of their will and forced them to obey every single command he gave them.


The design was kept simple and completely white. Every wall, every floor, was so white it was maddening. This helped with containing the souls of his prey, and crushing any hope they had left.

Sensory & Appearance

The rooms emitted coldness. It felt dead, and without emotion.


You could find many of his slaves, and some corrupted warlocks.

Special Properties

Gravity worked normal, like on Atera. The base had technology from other realms, the Moon Man gathered to build it.


His slaves built more and more into the moon. He was immune to most spells, and could basically not be attacked. Even if people were to find out where he is, how would they get to the moon? His plan was fool proof. Until the Soulless Era found the shrine that connected with the base every full moon, not only to allow transportation from Omu to the Moon Base, but also for the thorough monthly air ventilation. After a seemingly hopeless fight, Dent managed to get the Moon Man killed. He did that using an electrum piece he got from Valindra, a favor she owed him. She killed him, and they initiated the base's self-destruct, before leaving the way they entered. They watched the moon explode from Omu.


Completely inside of the moon with only a window to look out towards Atera. Everything inside is completely white.


Test Chamber Hallway

The 1st Day of Hammer, 0 BTS
Founding Date
Circa 13500 BTS
Characters in Location

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