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The Queen of Omu

Zalkoré was a medusa that dwelled within the Chultan ruins of Nangalore. Originally she was the beautiful, but exceedingly vain, queen of Omu who made one infernal dealing that sealed away her tragic fate.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She was turned into a medusa

Body Features

Human torso, snake-like tail

Facial Features

She had snakes for hair which could turn anyone looking at them into stone

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zalkoré exuded narcissism during her years as regent of Omu. This vanity was indulged by Zalkoré's retinue until it poisoned her mind. She made a deal with an erinyes to ensure that her youthful beauty would never be taken from her. The baatezu responding by turning Queen Zalkoré into a medusa, which in turn got her dethroned and exiled to the gardens of Ka-Nanji.



Failures & Embarrassments

She dealt with the wrong forces, and brought death to all she loved

Mental Trauma

She was convinced her beloved general, who died ages ago, still lived

Intellectual Characteristics

She had a mental disorder. Zalkoré drugged herself with a flower that made you believe your dreams become true. That was why it was extremely dangerous to talk or interact with her. Sometimes she could be nice, thinking you are somebody else, but in the next moment she could try to kill you.


Talking about her dead lover
Current Location
3847 BTS 1 BTS 3846 years old
Circumstances of Birth
She was born as the foreseen queen of Omu
Circumstances of Death
She was killed by the mirror image of her own face
Bright Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
17' 2'' (Torso 4' 4'')
1220 lbs.
Known Languages
Common Abyssal Old Omuan
Ruled Locations


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