Currencies of Bretomeya

Bretomeya has numerous currencies, some far more valued than others. While attempts were made by The Empire to unify under one currency, these attempts failed again and again. Now with the Coalition as the main midworld power and its support of member state sovereignty, nearly every nation state has its own currency, however most trade within the Coalition takes place in Variable Trade Credits.

Variable Trade Credits (VTC)

Variable Trade Credits are the external facing currency of the freeworlds, widely adopted by the coalition as the official international exchange currency due to its security, monitoring, controls and being of little interest to freeworld citizens themselves. VTC even makes its way into the belt and coreworlds as a viable currency. VTC is controlled by three centralized commerce centers who each monitor and account for the currency, providing redundancy and three way accountability, leading to practically zero instances of fruad, hacking etc.

Fixed Trade Credits (FTC)

Fixed trade credits operate nearly identically to VTC, however with three critical differences. FTC is firstly a fixed rate currency, meaning prices are fixed with this currency. The second difference is that FTC is an inward facing currency, meaning it can only be traded within the Freeworlds and by Freeworld citizens or authorized non-citizens. Lastly each citizen is only issued a fixed amount throughout their entire life. The amount issued can be lowered if a citizen indulges in bad conduct or is found guilty of crime. On the other hand, citizens with exceptional conduct can be issued more FTC. FTC is in many ways a form of a social credit score as it is a fixed currency linked directly to behavior.


Much to the Coalitions discontent, the currency of the coreworlds has become an extremely popular one. The advantage of crones is primarily that they are not associated with the Coalition (who are not beyond using their currency as a political weapon) and are instead issued by the Treasury of Rama and backed by precious metals and fuel reserves, giving them a more stable and substantial value. Trading with Crones is officially banned when conducting international commerce with coalition member states, but this is hardly enforceable especially with private transactions. Crones are split into several denominations   Larels are the smallest, one hundred Larels represent a single Crone.   Crone is the base currency with one thousand Crones equaling a single Lode   Lodes are the highest denomination, with one hundred or more Lodes being reffered to as a hoard. So three hoards of lodes would be 300 Lodes or 300,000 Crones.


In Permeya and the Out-Worlds currency has little value. While Crones are the most favored currency, few of them making out of Bretor. Some may barter with Credits, usually Coalition Expeditionary military forces as well as government officials or organizations, but for the vast majority of Permeyans and Out-Worlders, traditional bartering is primary means of trade. One might exchange food for life sustaining mechanical equipment, or weapons and ammunition for a craft or means of transportation.   In recent years there has been a heavy push to shift all trade in the Out-Worlds and Permeya to Variable Trade Credits as tarrifs cant exacly be extracted from a head of cattle or box of ammunition.


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