Essex Organization in Britain | World Anvil
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This article is about the kingdom of Cyning Æscwine which was formerly known as Caercolun. For the kingdom of Cyning Ælle formerly known as Pevensey, see Sussex. For the kingdom of Cyning Cerdic formerly known as Hampshire, see Wessex.   Ēast Seaxna Rīce, anglicized as the Kingdom of East Saxons and colloquially known as "Essex", is a Saxon kingdom in southeastern Britain.

Previously a county of Logres known as Caercolun which consisted of the holdings of Duke Lucius of the Saxon Shore, it was conquered by Cyning Æscwine of Essex in 486. It was the headquarters of the Alliance of the East Saxons.


Essex is a wealthy kingdom that includes the seaport cities of Colchester, Ipswich, and Maldon.   It also includes much of the Quinqueroi Forest, and the Castle of Vigor.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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