Ladies of the Lake Myth in Britain | World Anvil
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Ladies of the Lake

The Ladies of the Lake are a generally benevolent Pagan coven of priestesses and enchantresses that reside in the faerie realm. It is said that their magical home can be accessed through various bodies of water across Britain and Europe.   Though the sisterhood is shrouded in mystery and the total membership is unknown, the following sorceresses are believed to be among their ranks:  
    Lady Viviane, a woman who is believed to be the daughter of Lord Dyonas from Brittany and the Pagan goddess Diana. She is rumoured to be a former student and lover of Merlin the Magician.
  • The Sword Maiden, a woman in charge of keeping the Sword in the Lake. Her true identity is unknown.
  • Lady Nineve, a beautiful young lady who is rumoured to frequently work against the order's values.
  • Lady Nimue, a young girl born that was born in 483 to a Sir Gwynn in Cambria and was reportedly taken in as a ward of the coven after exhibiting the ability of second sight in 486.

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