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New Acania

Leader: Prime Minister Coran Bellerophon under permission from King Michael of The Holy Kingdom of Acania   Population: ~75,000, 65% Human, 20% Elves, 10% Dwarves, 5% other   Weather and Biome: Tropical, mostly beaches an jungle. Most of the Beasts are Dinos   Cities:   Springboard   New Beginnings   Missionary   New Bastion   New Acania Base   Backround: Before the Empire broke up the Church of Acania had two major strongholds of believers, one in the Capital and another in a port that was meant to be a springboard for a full invasion of the eastern content. When the Church revolted in the capital and the Empire went to war to take it back the church in Springboard made a different choice. A strike started in refusing to fuel the war machine in the civil war as they had family in both the Empire and Church forces. And because the workers refused to help the empire stomp out the Church or the Church fight the Empire, many of the elite monster hunters protected the strike from both armies. When the dust settled and the Holy Kingdom was established and the Imperial forces left near Springboard retreated to their chosen half of the remaining empire. The people weary of war made a deal with the Eastern Lusken Empire, they would not support the expansion of the Holy Kingdom of Acania if they were not forced to support attempts for the Empire to take back that land and a new neutral and independent nation was formed in that uneasy peace wanting nothing more but to follow an non-expansionist branch of the Church or Acania.   Backround Feats:   Lightly Armored   You have trained to master the use of light armor, gaining the following benefits:   Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You gain proficiency with light armor.   Prodigy   Prerequisite: Half-elf, half-orc, or Human   You have a knack for learning new things. You gain the following benefits:   You gain one skill proficiency of your choice, one tool proficiency of your choice, and fluency in one language of your choice. Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn’t already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.   Magic Initiate   Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn two cantrips of your choice from that class’s spell list.   In addition, choose one 1st-level spell from that same list. Using this feat, you can cast the spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again.   Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.   Mobile   You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the following benefits:   Your speed increases by 10 feet. When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement on that turn. When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.   Mystic Conflux   Through your repeated exposure to the natural flow of arcane magic throughout Exandria, you’ve adapted to attune with additional enchantments, though the process can be physically taxing. You gain the following benefits:   • You have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks when investigating the nature of a magical object or device.   • You can now be attuned to a maximum of four magical items, rather than the normal limit of three. Other attunement limitations still apply.
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