The Pantheon Of Stars

The Pantheon Of Stars are th     Members of the Pantheon  
  1. Tethshin, Lord of Sky And Stars, Wandering God, All-Knowing, ,  . Ruler of the Pantheon,  Divine Portfolios include- Sky, Stars, Knowledge, Healing, Magic, Oracles
  2. Tannar, Herald of Gods, Creator And Destroyer, The Burning Fist. First of the Pantheon to make themselves known to humanity, gave them the gift of fire. Divine Portfolios include- Fire, War, Crafting, Hearth
  3. Inepu, Judgement. Divine Portfolios include Death, Law, Justice.
  4. Cinlux, Mother of All Peoples. Divine Portfolios include Family, Love, Loyalty, Courage.
  5. G'wegavri, Singer of the First Song. Divine Portfolios include Music, Art, Creativity,
  6. Toranex, Sentry at the End Of Days, Thunderer against the Empty Night, Watchman of the Gods. Armed with a bow of thunder and arrows of lightning. Guardian against the things that dwell beyond gods. Divine Portfolios include- Thunder, Lightning, Storms, 
  7. Revpli, 


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