Wyndi SwiftFoot Character in Bronzegate's world. | World Anvil
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Wyndi SwiftFoot


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Session I Thaddeus -dude who assigned us the mission on cart: rations, medicine, money in the bottom. must arrive in one piece DO NOT LOSE   lost my nooooottteeeeesss :(   Session II at the jeweled sword festival! bought potion 7, mystery potion in a flask made of bone maelrin's oddity shop, cool! got a cool dagger that looks like the handle is made from vines, and the blade looks like a thorn, green fading into red. when picked up, in the back of my mind I heard in a booming voice "I am Sylvanis, and this is my Thorn" Sylvanis is known as the Old Father, the Father of Nature, the god of Nature. old bearded human, in mythos, v important to Setyrs and druids, and nature folk. known for living amongst the trees and floating between them. known for knowledge, growth and strength, protective of his domain. skin like bark. feels like if i spent some time with it i could really connect with the weapon saying "thorn" makes it slither down to the wrist, transitioning into a normal looking vine bracelet. saying "thorn" again makes it turn back into a blade and place itself into your hand. 15 inspiration for group left add 1700 exp   Session III Level up! got the Lucky feat. folgo got a new musket from Boomstick! leveled up again after fighting an army of undead and also a giant crystal monster can now attack twice in a turn! learn another spell 1st or 2nd level -absorb elements   Session IV 4 1st level spell slots and 2 2nd level spell slots now CULTISTS killed many horses karthurax medallion with pointed skull with horns. cultist guys have dragonscale tattoos in a tribal pattern on chest and arms shopping, got more arrows and my rapier silvered!   to do: find church, yell at mayor   Session V filactaries-high grade crystals holding the souls of mortals so litches can't die. can produce undead from those whose souls were taken. sacrificed to the demon Orkas. carthrax= conquerer of death many previous inquisitions by the selenites met the mayor. asshole. lazy af. doesn't care about losing people but refuses to lend us help. got him to send out guards to post on bulletin boards and stuff with requests for info on carthrax/cultists/undead. mayor - Kismick redbelt head guard - Hungrod steelfoot   Session VI neerin-mayor? mayor barden flint warden-member of hunter's claw. he was found out in the forests, out of the town. eden, farmers son, found him. lives in the northeast corner of town.   large tree, some of his traps should still be there. was alone when attacked by ....bears??? some kind of large creature. didn't get a good look at them. multiple creatures. a sickening smell of rot or vomit before getting attacked. man was found by the northwest of town, off of a footpath where the villagers also keep their traps. no undead around at the moment large paw prints, big claws. big claw marks. attacks probably were about 3 or 4 days ago, the creature has been in the area within the last day as some prints are fresher. very heavy creatures. level up. add favored enemy construct, add favored terrain forests   Dreadful Strikes At 3rd level, you can augment your weapon strikes with mind-scarring magic, drawn from the gloomy hollows of the Feywild. When you hit a creature with a weapon, you can deal an extra 1d4 psychic damage to the target, which can take this extra damage only once per turn.   The extra damage increases to 1d6 when you reach 11th level in this class.   misty step, charm person   Nerin is wary of outsiders because when she first became mayor she got cut very badly in the face by a bandit   farmers having issues with crops, not producing enough. Edlyn and Brodem to the west ---overgrown weeds, took sample - ask Strylm to use herb. kit on   Fidelia and Tavin. 2 sons, zach and eden
  • found a locust and shoved it in a bottle-observe
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