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Counsel of the Seven

This ancient tradition is one of the few things that survived "The Purge" as it is known the the Hill Giant peoples.
  It is the way all Hill Giant peoples govern themselves. Some countries and ruling peoples have tried to replicate this governing system, as it is known as the oldest functioning government system in use. The separate trades that make the system up consist of:leather smiths/ craftsmen, apothecary/ healers, farmers/ranchers, fishermen/sailors, brew masters, story weavers, and gem trade.
  Apparent leaders are chosen simply by those who follow them. In tern, if the leaders wish to have followers, they have long and drawn out discussions on matters deemed important enough to bring to the counsel.
  This system only works amongst these nomadic people. For if you are a bad leader, then no one will follow you, and will choose another to follow, or decide to simply to go on their own journey.
  If you speak in front of the counsel, and are found to not be speaking the truth, you will be deemed dishonored, your beard cut, and you are cast out to be alone. This same punishment is followed through if you do not follow through with a promise spoken before the counsel.
  Only what is agreed is written to paper, and no single leader can leave the counsel until all groups have come to an agreement.
  No civil wars have happened in at least 1500 years.

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