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Session 10: Bountiful Harvest VI

General Summary

The group walks back to the village. Zex decides to split off and goes searching for rats, for some reason. He manages to find one surprisingly easily. Leo convinces the kid that playing with the knife is ok, but only in secret and tells him make sure to finish them off if yeah gotta. The kids immediate plan is to dull the knife. If he dies he dies. The kids find their parents, regardless the worlds quantity of milk.   Fizz tries to find a smarty pants, to do something with the herb. The group wanders to the elder. The elder is impressed we brought back the children, and their little berries. Leo confront her about the finding of a hag. They demand a full reward. Leo is less than happy about the 500 gold amount, and would like to remind her that we did kill a hag which wasn’t part of the deal. She should ask the children that it was completely necessary. She offers an additional 20 gold, Leo attempts to counter with 25 and succeeds. The elder asks further about the hag, while Leo requests proper disposal of its head. The hag suggests seeing the head. After studying it, the hag uses detect magic on it not noticing the tomb in the backpack. After the detect magic she does seem to notice some dark magic, but isn’t sure what.   She talks about the festivals for cleansing evil spirits, believing that the ritual can remove the evil magic. She further asks us about how we stumbled across the hag, we counter argued that we’re confused how they’re uninformed about the hags in the forest. We considered the idea that the hag has been disguising themselves as their got to steal materials. The group insults their god, and Fizz slaps a thing off the shelf, and gets told to be more careful. He proclaims it was their god that did it, and they were all called blasphemous, and told to leave after their accusations. The Leo gets up and says peace bitch, and pissed off the elder further. The group was told to head back to their horses.   The woman that house us the first night, quickly runs up to us and informs us to leave at of fear of our safety, and helps us quickly get our bug out bags. Leo informs the woman to be an informant for us, and states to inform us if their god returns after the murder of the god. The woman is hurt, but willing to keep an eye out as suggested. The group saddles up. They kick off to Wargley.   Var's horse’s leg becomes two legs, knocking both Var, and Leo off of it causing them to get hurt. Fizz attempts to return it back into a single leg. It works!! However the horse is a little hesitant to put to much pressure on it. Var gives the horse heroism (heroin?). This incident wastes some time, but the horse is able to trot like nothing happened. The group arrives in Wargley in the middle of the night.   The area is walled off and heavily guarded, with two guards at the front as the group approaches. Love walks up to the guards unarmed, and the guards yell halt. The guards yell the gates close at sundown. Love tries to convince them with a magic trick, it doesn’t work. The dumbest argument ever happens, and the group runs off before getting arrested. The guards grab Var, and Fizz, and Zex convinces the guard to let him go in replacement for himself. Love hugs the guard, to get arrested instead of var. Love calms the guard and persuades the guard to chill out, and asks the guards for 20 gold. Love hands it to them, and they were let go.   We yell ey yo guards can we set up camp here, instead. The guards yell no, Leo makes a snide remark about being a traveling circus, and the admission being 22 gold. The guards are less than impressed and keep walking. Zex checks to see if there are any enemies creatures within a near mile. Nothing alarming, or fear just small creatures, and rats, and maybe some distant boar. The group starts to camp while Var masturbates. While camping, over arguments over gold Leo offers Zex a draft horse.   Fizz and Zex share a tent, love cosplays a turtle, and the rest sleep in their sleeping sacks. The group slept a little longer than 8 hours from their long travels, and their kerfuffles. The horses seem in better shape as well. Var shows off his definitely not fuckable table with legs that walk. Love says nice work, Mr. Article Fister. Love confused about the robot gets startled when it reacts to his actions. Leo would like to know how to kill the robot.   The group makes their way back to the town, and don’t recognize the guards on duty as they enter the city. The guards halt them. Love asks if they want to see a magic trick. Love pulls rodney out of his helmet, and fizz does a double backflip. The double back flip shocks the guards…. They turn to the rest and ask what they can do. We state we did a performance in Dunsterpor and Anghor to trick them, but it doesn’t go well. The guards split them up for questioning, and it only makes them more suspicious. Leo tries to convince them where they’re going. The group is seated. Zex pisses on the wall… several guards come back and question them harder hearing about the instance with the guards the night before.   Fizz tells them about our previous nights escaped, Leo tells them what happened with the guards. Some kerfuffle with some scimitars and swords Leo shows them the scimitar with the blood of a hag on it, after revealing the head to corroborate the story. The guard notices the scimitar is magical. The guard asks Leo where he’s from, and Leo responds, handing back each others weapons. The other shitty guard asks for another bribe. Leo gives the cunt 20 gold per head to fuck off.   They make their way to the stables, and Leo leaves a 5gp down payment on a warhorse, and pay 3gp to stable the 3 horses for up to a week.
Year Calendar Year 824   Date Castorden 12 of Tresmaand 824
Report Date
31 Aug 2023

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