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Session 5: Bountiful Harvest I

We awoke after a long day to an unfortunately empty table. Luckily for us Leo seems to be a proficient survivalist and insists we go hunting to remedy this issue. Well we did not make it far before hearing some absolutely daunting footsteps, sure enough we had already encountered something that was about to eat us like a morning biscuit. Var essentially stood in shock as Fizz pulls out his wand faster than an arcane zap to the finger. He nails the Owlbear but it is completely ineffective! As my left boot starts to shake, Leo approaches the Owlbear with a roar that shakes both my boots off and sends the owl bear running. Var was relieved to be heading back into town now and not on the menu. As we enter town we inquire into the well being of our favorite radish vendor.   Apparently his recovery was a little rocky but he is ready to get back to market, and was quite happy of Love to return his radishes. Radishman comes along with us and we encounter Nicklecraft who treats us all to a meal at the tavern… Is this what hunting is like?? Nicklecraft seemed quite excited to see the mayor. Var suppose he cannot blame him, it is just nice to finally be paid for our efforts. Leo however is still visibly upset with the mayor and starts imposing some kind of blood threats? The danger Var admits was borderline negligent but it was in the name of discovery for these people. However it turned hostile as they made their blood pact, a personal assurance for Leo the forest wouldn't be harmed by such actions again lest the Mayor wishes to keep his life. After these threats, we head to the tavern where the mayor informs us of our newly acquired renown.   He told us that we had rescued a town treasure and allowed us free lodging, and discounts at stores. With full bellies and pockets lined with gold, everyone rushes to the market where Leo gets a new Scimitar, and Fizz is nice enough to help his good buddy out with a springy new bow. Fizz went in search of new magics, then we head to the armorer; though at this point Var is mostly tagging along. Really none of these people spend their own money, and they certainly cannot hold onto it when shown a weapon. Var supposes however that is why we are here.   We soon carry on to purchase some horses as Leo has a bounty to turn in. One head of Ren that is supposed to be delivered to an Elder in the town of Angor for a fairly hefty bounty. For some reason these people are still sharing their gold with me and I will not complain. With our pockets freshly emptied, we head to our lodgings as we have a long journey to Angor. Two days later we are in Angor and this town seems as if something is wrong with the people? All of the people here seem to be quite poor perhaps, as most of them seem very frail. Their homes appear degraded as well, just isolated small huts which appear to be their only living quarters. These living areas seem to contain a surprising lack of children. At the center of town lies a totem made of stone, but we do not get much time here as we are approached by the Elder of the town. Leo speaks with this Elder and shows him the head of Ren, half of what we need to collect our bounty as he was supposeed to be alive. Somehow we get the full bounty after someone reanimated the head in an attempt or joke to portray some liveliness to the head. We attain free lodging for the evening from the Elder, despite the nefarious hijinks, and ready in wait for the Festival.
Year Calendar Year 824   Date Castorden 12 of Tresmaand 824

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