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Session 7: Bountiful Harvest III

General Summary

As the group traveled through the forest, they found a suspicious-looking camp in the distance. They decided to proceed with care not to alert anyone residing in the campground. They noticed a couple kids tied up to a meat drying rack when they were close. This is when Zex convinces the group to let him go alone to attempt to sneak in and see what is going on. He manages to get to the top of one of the tents noticing another group of kids tied up on the other side of the camp and a weird-looking green hag facing a table he can only describe as a ritual table. He had seen enough and headed back to the group to inform them of what he had seen.   The group came up with a plan to let Rod distract the hag while the rest of the group splits in two to try and free the kids. Rod successfully attracts the hag’s attention by projectile shitting on the hag and running away. But this only makes the hag use magic to disappear. While Zex understood this was only a trick of the hag, Var with all his knowledge and wisdom believed that Rod managed to shit the hag to another dimension. He came out of hiding and started freeing the kids without a worry in the world. Zex notices footprints that weren’t there previously and tries to tell the relaxed Fizz to stay in cover. While on the other side of the camp, Leo was keeping guard while Love was trying to free the kids and managing to creep them out at the same time.   Suddenly, a tornado of green fog starts to cover the camp taking away everyone’s visibility. They try to have some of the kids run away only to hear them scream in terror in the same direction Zex sees a bear heading. The group heads towards the screams and starts fighting against the bear. Love puts himself in between the bear and the kids and Zex hits the bear directly. The hag appears behind him and attacks, dealing a large amount of damage. He inflicts some damage on the hag as she tries to disappear. Thanks to Var throwing a big rock at the bear the group realizes the bear was only an illusion and focuses on the hag. Leo and Zex take turns attacking the hag dealing lethal damage. Leo dealing the final hit. This gave Rod the chance to give the kids some berries, only to attract a willow wisp.
Year Calendar Year 824   Date Castorden 12 of Tresmaand 824
Report Date
21 Aug 2023

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