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Session 9: Bountiful Harvest V

Now that the hags are defeated, the magical presence of the Swamp Hag faded. Finally the children were safe and seemed excited to get back to the village. Not but moments after heading back a storm came in and it began to rain, ominous though the hag was gone. The group ventures further down the path, and sure enough as when they approached, more Will-o-wisps blocked our way. Leo quickly spoke of a plan, saying he wanted to true to walk past these bugs in attempt to see of they were docile.
  Quickly everyone realizes that was not the case, especially Leo. Luckily Love's Love was shining bright onto Leo, granting him extra defenses. A noble sacrifice from Leo, as now they know wisps need to be avoided. Varvem was attempting to help in case this plan failed by stealthily hiding in the bushes. Emitting a spark of lights, one or two wisps attention gets diverted to the spark of lights.
  Rodney uses this surprise moment to whisper kind words to the worried children. Varvem leaps from the bushes and successfully hits the wisps that got distracted by the light. Then Leo chimes in with a dazzling scimitar swing so heroic that the child watching him learns how to wield a blade. Having a hunch of this, Leo gives him a small blade for self defense as it is perfectly normal for a kid to have a blade. Fizz then summons a helpful unicorn that emits a helpful aura buffing all those who are near. A wonderous beauty, but Varvem doesn't notice as he abolishes the last wisp. Strangely, at the instant of defeat, a very loud ding could be heard between the group. Having no idea what it was, they all felt slightly more powerful. They will not have much time to ponder however as the group arrives back to the village.
Year Calendar Year 824   Date Castorden 12 of Tresmaand 824

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