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Earth god hailing from human villages. Descriptions range but one thing is for certain, this god is revered. Though it represents might to most, the bear god to local populous represents a provider.   Stories include:   Unos wandered the wold of Bryn during a great drought that forced even the great rivers dry. People grew thin, and animals too. Bryn looked to pity the people and came up with a plan. He would teach the people to dig. As he dug, water gushed from the earth, and filled the oceans. Now the people know to dig wells in times of drought, but it is to share with the plants and animals alike.   Unos wandered the world again, and found the people hungry, and the animals have not yet come back to life. The people, driven to starvation now started to over hunt the populations. The great bear took man to the woods, and showed them how to wait for the salmon, and more importantly not eat them all. The fish will always return so long as man only took half of all they caught, and always give an offering.   Unos, feeling proud of how the humans here were growing, and with the humans, the animals too. Unos looked to the new children playing, and saw that one boy was on the ground crying, for he was hurt. Unos, taking pity, went to the bushes at the end of town and began to dig, and dig until he found a root from the Screaming bush. Unos returned with a healing root, and healed the boy.   Today, the people learning from Unos, also worship him and always give thanks via grand offerings.

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