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Year 0

Year 0 was by far the most cataclysmic event in memorable history, even out-shadowing The Great Purge which was said to be 1000 generations ago, and it still talked about to this day. The opeing of the "Moon Gates," as it has become known.   It quite a special day, with all five moons aligning in a series of eclipses each darkening a large part of the sky, locking the world of Bryn in darkness. Despite each moon being shrouded in darkness, each glowed an eerie dim violet. The world of Bryn seemed to stay motionless, with night stretching beyond it's normal cycle. The moons spun and moved into alignment before finally halting in place directly above where the otherworldly gates tore open. Stars then streaked across the sky, with some crashing down, deep into the earth.   Time stretched into what would normally be 3 days and 4 nights. The entire time the world of Bryn was locked in a state of chaos. Much had changed. Weather shifted drastically, with arid deserts being frozen solid. Tropics baked in the sun. Strange and strong winds blowing from all directions. Aurora lights danced as far down south as the tropical areas of Bayania, Reagal, and Nocai.   At the end of the 4th night, the purple began to grow dim. This went on through the night before finally at day, they appeared to be 5 gates opened around the world of Bryn, The first being in Lynsenerius, allowing dragons and dragon kin through. The next being in Dunstepor, this let Humans through with horses and cattle. Another in a still wild and unclaimed part of Bryn between Durzce and Urdzrad, this let goblins through. The 4th door opening in Tsa, allowing magical races such as Elvish and fairy folk to come through. Finally, another door was opened in Nocai, allowing demonic beasts through it's gates.   After those who were pulled into this world had come through the gates, the gates shut behind them and fade to nothing. The Location of the door in Dunstepor has become the marker for one of the gateways in the middle of what is now in a field across from city hall. The location of the Goblin's Gate being marked with a crude mecca for Goblin Kin. The Devils Gate is marked with a pyramid of skulls. The Dragonic gate has been marked with the creation of Gloucoyalgen with a large "moon cathedral" at it's center. The Elvish folk mark their gate in the city of Nosmouth with their city being built high above the plains below with architecture inspired by the moon and it's cycles.

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