BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1: Day 1

General Summary

On the first day of the fair grounds in Dunsteror, a competition was given to everyone. Whatever group got the most tickets by the end of the day would have a chance to participate in a game of capture the flag for the grand prize. The prize consists of a large amount of gold and a special item that will only be revealed at the end. Groups could consist of 7 people working together.
  One group that formed was a weird one. Consisting of a tall menacing bugbear and a tall talkative forest gnome pair, a suspicious looking lizardfolk, an overly jolly satyr, a shady looking eberron gnome, a tiny looking halfling, and finally someone's grandpa holding bread? The bugbear and lizardfolk were having an alpha male fight with one another for some reason. Everyone stared at this group, both confused about the combination and also scared all at the same time.
  The first competition they were in was a strength competition also known as a high strike. Rhux, the lizardfolk, takes the first go at it and completely sends it flying to the sky, reaching the goal. And out of nowhere, another lizardfolk looking an awful lot like Rhux comes out of nowhere to give it a shot and doesn't even reach the half way marker. They leave in absolute embarrassment. With that showing Binky, the shady looking gnome spawns a stool out of nowhere and uses its tiny frame to try to show up Rhux. While they did barely hit the goal, they did not score as many points. Rex takes a sing just to show off and just misses the mark. Over all, the group came out winning big from this first stand.
  They choose to go to the next stand of archery. Gunther, the tiny looking halfling, and Binky decide to stand on one another to try to look like an average-sized man in a trench coat. But they tell them it's okay to just work together to shoot the bow. As they prepare to shoot, another group of shows up consisting of the same races as them to compete with them. After a long back and forth competition, the original group won. This was mostly due to the gnomes absolutely going off.
  The day was starting to end, and they went to the tavern to take a break, only to see that there was a drinking contest going on. Everyone participated in it and after taking an insane amount of alcohol, enough to kill a regular person, Rex won and kept drinking with Rhux. They ended up being friends and passed out on the floor of the tavern. The rest of the group still wanted to keep participating in events, so they went to a talent contest without even trying. Gunther absolutely sent it home with an insane rap. Winning the last contest of the night.
  Everyone left for the day to rest for the following morning.
Gnome Trench Coat.png

Rewards Granted

100 Winning Tickets for the group 20 Gold to Gunther(talent show)

Character(s) interacted with

A strange group of participants that looked an awful lot like the group.
Report Date
24 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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