BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 2: Capture the Flag

General Summary

After a night of drinking myself under the table, I wake up in the tavern next to Rhux for some reason. I am unsure as to what happened after the drinking competition and notice I don't have my winning tickets. I wake up Rhux, and we decide to go outside and find everyone. Everyone seemed to be okay and Binky was holding onto the tickets for safety. The thing that was concerning me the most was where in the world Fizz is. Oh, and the satyr too, I guess. After hearing from everyone in the group, I started to search for her in the direction she last went in.
  After a while of searching, I noticed a shady looking person in the distance. I informed the group to accompany me and follow the person. We end up in the back of an alley and notice that Fizz and Amora were bound and gagged by the shady individual. I got ready to go forward and get her, when a large group of people in hoods came out of hiding in between us. The one furthest away says he isn't there for trouble but wants to make a deal with us. Not being very good at negotiating, I let Rhux deal with it.
  It turns out that the people in front of us were the look-alikes from yesterday and the ring leader was the one that hired them. He wants to get the mysterious prize from the Capture the Flag competition. He mentions he knows it's a stone that he needs to finish an experiment that he has been working on that will get him back on the map. I did not care what he wanted, I wanted to get Fizz back. Oh, right, the Satyr too, sorry I still don't know you very well. He agrees to let them go as long as we work for him. We agree for now and start to prepare for the CTF game.
  The game is about to start. We came up with the plan to have Rhux throw the Binky and Gunther as far as possible to get a midfield advantage. While having Severne create a duplicate flag to trick the other team. Well, that was the plan. Instead, everyone charged forward and Rhux got pinned down behind the hedge in the center while Binky, Gunther, and I were right behind him, attacking from a distance. Amora was trying to flank to get the flag and Fizz stayed way back doing support. Severne did not make a copy of the flag, he instead made a large eyeball.
  The game was going fantastically. Thankfully, we managed to take down the bard and with Fizz's triple combo, we bound, blinded, and confused three others. Allowing us to steam roll through most of their team. The odd part was watching Severne one moment use a strong magic attack and then following to having a bread picnic in the middle of the arena for some reason?
  Binky and Amora worked on getting the flag, which worked somehow. Unfortunately, the one following was some tortoise-looking paladin that would not go down no matter how much we hit him. It was fine, since we managed to bring back their flag and win. We came out with 100 gold each and the stone.

Rewards Granted

100 Gold for each player 100 Experience 1 Constitution Stone

Missions/Quests Completed

Capture the Flag compelted (Won)

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
31 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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