Lydinshaw Settlement in Bryonsworth, West Uros | World Anvil
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They say, standing upon the craggy shores facing the Stentorian Sea, a phenomenon occurs. On the land where a great journey came to a close and looking over nothing but the endless blue of both sea and sky, it truly feels like the edge of the world. This landscape, vast and empty, serene yet haunting. Such a sight has the strength to temper even the most venturous soul, to show all the sobering reality that no matter how far they go, no matter what one does. The world ends here.

A small province to the far east of the Empire, Lyndinshaw is often seen as the Last of the Inner Provinces. Sitting on the edge of the kingdom and overlooking the sea, the region is engulfed in a somnolent air. A still disturbed by the sound of crashing waves, and the occasional shrill cry of seabirds. Far from melancholy the unique atmosphere of Lyndinshaw is that of serenity. Far from the anxieties and stress of the Empire, this peace is a reprieve many only wish they could be afforded. As such it's little surprise that much of Lyndinshaw is seen as a getaway for the nobility. Yet this nature extends to even those unable to retreat into a private estate within the region. For despite one's hardships or the daily toil of life, there is something about the breaking of waves that can put one's soul at ease.


The simplicity of the Lydinshaw political landscape can only be described as a breath of fresh amongst the frantic power struggles that can characterize much of the modern Empire. Since long before Lydinshaw entered the nation and by most's estimates, lest tragedy or ill fortune strikes, for many many generations to come, House Luievé has ruled. While their motto to rule until the seas run dry ought to be seen as little more than a hyperbolic claim to emphasis their resilience, it becomes all the more believable when even the Grand Index of Attenveil holds no records of a time in which the Lydinshaw region was not occupied by some version of the Luievé. A fact that has no doubt contributed to the local myth that the family is somehow... unnatural.

The name is much older than any noble family currently within the Empire yet despite this lineage the Luievé lack both the wealth and the prestige often affiliated with elder houses. While their status as Ruling House within one, if not the, most influence kingdoms on the continent is impressive, this is somewhat tempered by their distinct lack of competition. With a larger disparity between the number of wealthy inhabitants and middle to lower class ones when compared to other Inner Provinces, the number of noble houses vying for, or even under consideration for Ruling House are far fewer. As such their position is rarely threatened, and to many, the Luievé and Lyndinshaw are all but synonymous.


Before the Border War, most of Lydinshaw's economy was built on the backs of their proximity to the Stentorian Sea. With fish and the rare few seashore crops playing vital roles in the average Lydin's diet. Their connection to Runner's Channel also allowed the province to engage in a fair amount of trade with the other provinces, however, a lack of sought after exports and their position on the far edge of the Empire substantially limited the amount they could leverage their access to the nations longest waterway. Thus Lydinshaw primarily stuck to trading within their borders, sustaining an insulated if not small economy relatively detached from the economic trends of the rest of the country. While this could almost describe every province in the early ages of the Empire, Lydinshaw would remain in this state for quite some time.

Yet following the years of massive growth to both the Bryonsworth infrastructure and economy, there became an increased need for the Empire to possess a means of trading beyond its borders. To facilitate the further growth of the Empire, and allow for the cheaper acquisition of resources the Empire had some difficulty producing. Given the tensions with Duma and the lack of expansive production lines in Norland, the companies looked towards The Republic Isles to the east for possible trade partners. Recognizing this arrangement as potentially beneficial for all members of the nation, King Lucian called upon the Provincial Lord of Lyndinshaw to offer favorable rates towards organizations attempting to open ports on their shore and the commissioning of large trade ships. Yet while grasping the importance of the Empire's relationship with the Republic, Lucian had very little in the way of experience when it came to trade relations. As such he founded and backed an entity that would later grow to the Merchant's Guild, the backbone of modern trade within the Empire.

In Lyndinshaw, while this sharp increase in activity around the province surely came as a shock to many. Most found the changes to come at a net increase towards the wellbeing of the province's inhabitants. Shipwrights and dockyards experienced substantial increases in demand, hiring in droves to fill the number of hands required to construct the highly sought after trade vessels. While many fishermen found their services were no longer needed, most quickly realized the overlapping skillset between their work and that of a sailor. The newfound interest in naval affairs around Lydinshaw and increased value of the region prompted the expansion of their Provincial Army with the intent of quelling the persistent piracy problem. This naval division proved immensely successful, securing the main trade routes between the Isles and Lyndinshaw and forcing most pirates farther south.

In the end, the trade deal with the Isles was an immense success, not just for Lyndinshaw but for the Empire as a whole. While eventually, this rush of activity would stabilize and the rapid expansion of its economy would start to slow, the province finds itself in an extremely prosperous position. A position it is likely to stay in so long as the Empire and the Republic continue to coexist with healthy relations.


The land of Lyndinshaw was the last region seized by Alistair during his quest to found Bryonsworth. For the simple reason that it was the last region he reasonably could. Traveling from the west banks near Valencia his journey had taken him to the other edge of the continent. A journey that while mired with setbacks and failures, had been a success. While there was originally thought to be very little strategic advantage to claiming the territory, the vision of an Empire spanning from the west to east shores was powerful enough to drive the Byron soldiers forwards for the last leg of the conquest. In the end, with the overwhelming might of the Bryonsworthian Army bearing down on them the small region of Lydinshaw couldn't put up a fight even if they wished to. The Luievé bent the knee almost immediately after the forces arrived, and the rest soon followed suit. For even with their annexation into the Empire, little changed about many's immediate ways of life. In almost all regards the province seemed almost forgotten, while the Luievé did convene and sign the Roer Agreement promising forces to assist in the Dumani Invasion their impact on the war was minor at best. If not for their status among the original provinces, there was a period of time before the Empire finally recognized the position of the region for its true value, that Lydinshaw shared much more in common with the Outer Provinces then the Inner.

A Rock in the Sea, The Calm in a Storm

Alternative Name(s)
The Edge of the Empire
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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