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The Church of Praeto

Mythology & Lore

Chaos. An unnamed storm of energy, both creation, and destruction, the simultaneous existence of everything and nothing. This force has spun since before the dawn of time, and it shan't ever slow.   Yet one day, this tempest of motion grew weary of the passivity in the world around it, it would rage and thrash, yet the silence was the only response. In its attempts to break this monotony, this nameless tempest defined itself. "I am Altos," It declared, "And I am The Sea! It is I who joys and rages loudest, who's might and vigor is without measure!"   Yet despite this newfound identity, Altos came to discover how meaningless such a definition was without others to look upon it. Without others to joy, was it not a given that he was loudest?   Thus he reached into himself, focusing past the incomprehensible noise of the fury and onto a fraction of his energy. Chaotic and ill-defined, he gave this energy a name, it would be Verus, and it would be his eldest. Then, with great determination, he tore the wise Verus from his chest and with him out poured life itself. It spilled onto the land around it, causing the world to begin to flourish and grow.   Enamored by these creations, Altos reached into himself once more. Pulling forth his second-born, the furious titan Myrn from his chest and letting her spill out into the world. With her, she brought fire and magma, her feet shook the earth, and her cries twisted the wind. Her rage second only to that of her father, she brought destruction onto what her brother would create, giving value to what survived and room for more to replace it.   For a time, this was enough for Altos, as he watched his children travel their endless cycle. However, soon enough, he found himself in need of more variety in this world newly born. Thus he defined another child to stand alongside him, as a glorious bird, Gracia, burst from his chest, bringing with her small naked godlings that she scattered across the world her elder siblings had formed.   Yet before Atlos had even thought about defining another child to match his third, a shadow darted out from the still gaping hole in his chest. It sealed this gash shut behind it, stopping the flood of life and men pouring out before chasing down his sister. The two perfect matches in speed, this shadow could never catch his sister, only arriving decades later to claim the men she'd left behind. Atlos defined this collector as Amun, ever-vigilant in his hunt for all his sister created.   Once more, Altos was sated, content to watch his children roam about the earth. Yet, once again, there came a time when the ocean, brimming with life and motion, grew too full to contain. However, this time, as Altos reached to draw forth another existence, he found his mind hard to focus. With so much of himself already divided, what spilled loose into the world was that with incomplete definitions, chaotic nightmares fixated only on slaughter. As the four gods watched these aberrations, each felt a deep disgust towards their existence. These creations violated Verus's wilds, they weathered Myrn's fury, they slaughtered Gracia's mortals, they denied Amun's death.   Outraged, they turned upon their father, demanding that he erase these abominations. Yet what they faced was a father who's sanity was rapidly fading away, the result of his constant division and the corruption that loosed the dark blight upon the world. The madness of Atlos only grew stronger and stronger as his Anger, the sea, struck the shores and threatened to consume the land. So with no other choice, the four gods overthrew their father and bound him in great chains beneath the sea where his rage would be suppressed, leaving the four gods to govern the world. However, while there are four, there are many, for like their father before them, each bears within the essence of countless divines. Simultaneously their kin and aspects of themselves.
Within Verus lies Gods such as Yato, God of Beasts.
Within Myrn lies Gods such as Hektos, God of Honor.
Within Gracia lies Gods such as Ayara, Goddess of Birth.
Within Amun lies Gods such as Orn, God of Ruin.

All from One

Founding Date
61 IBC
Religious, Pantheon

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