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The Four Holy Swords

Exceptional talent can never be planned for, for by its nature talent is only granted to individuals on the whim of the gods. Thus while the prodigious skill of the four members who would come to be known as The Four Holy Swords could have never been expected, as their rapid ascent through their respective organizations was observed it became clear the world was bearing witness to something miraculous. Split between the Royal Army, The Provincial Army, The Shoffenway Military Police, and The Outrider Knights, these four soldiers bore no connection nor similarities beyond raw strength. Yet, almost simultaneously they quickly found themselves appointed as invaluable lynchpins.

News of this gifted generation spread like wildfire, and soon talk of the four warriors could be heard everywhere. Stories and gossip about their deeds, yet also talk about the impeccable timing. The perfect and unprecedented concurrent rise to prominence that kept the careful balance of power intact. It was too much to be called a coincidence. Too much to not have been preordained. Thus another log was tossed onto the ever-growing fires of their mythos. Divinity.

It didn't take long before the government of Byronsworth took note of these exceptional fighters, and quickly took measures to best make use of their skills. Assembling them into a small group to be dubbed The Four Holy Swords. This group would allow each of the members to spend the majority of their time serving their faction of choice. With a single stipulation. That at the King's decree, The Swords shall always gather in times of national emergencies or cases such as the second and last expedition to Ithlane.

While internal conflicts and antagonization run amuck between the four divisions of military power within Byronsworth, The Four Holy Swords serve as a showcase of how powerful true unity could be. An example of unity that has proved itself to be an extremely effective deterrence to invading powers. For despite their bureaucratic strife, the nationalistic pride of the Empire of Byronsworth's divisions has always prevailed over their independent goals when tested.

The First Holy Sword, The Blazing Conflagration, and Valiant Arm of the Royal Army is Lady Rise ana'Vonswald, Heiress to the Principality of Vortagen. As a member of the Royal Army, she is commonly seen as the senior of the Holy Swords as her position places her closest to the monarch.

The Second Holy Sword, The Meridian Glaive, and Splendid Arm of the Provincial Forces is Lady Khosai Faraam, Heir Apparent to the Faraam lands and fortune. As both the sole foreigner amongst The Swords and the appointed arm to an army that is fractured by nature, The Second Sword holds perhaps the most controversial position. For the province in which she assists is largely governed by who has paid her the most. A price often so high that to have her serve as a resting guard would bleed provinces dry. Causing most to associate her presence with a sign that conflict is close.

The Third Holy Sword, The Ironclad Will, and Relentless Arm of the Shoffenway Military Police is Lady Iri ana'Reigner, Daughter to the Vice-regal Governor of Foreign Polices.

They do not speak of The Fourth Holy Sword. None speak of The Fourth Holy Sword.
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Swords
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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