Vortagen Settlement in Bryonsworth, West Uros | World Anvil
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During the long period of immigration after the conclusion of The First Border War, Vortagen was one of the several premier provinces that wealthier immigrants were drawn towards. For even before the construction of the Empire, the land around Vortagen had always been known for its prosperity. On top of this, after House Vonswald's influential actions during the war, the renown of the province had only increased. It was off the back of this inflated reputation and perceived status of excellence that Vortagen was able to build the population of aristocracy that remains to this day.

Within the largest Vortagen cities a near totality of their residents sit comfortably within the upper class of wealth. A class mostly occupied by landowners, small feudal lords, master-class craftsmen, investors, guild officials, and successful luxury merchants. Residing in either manor far away from the bustling sounds of the cities in residential districts or luxury apartments closer to the market district. While the extraordinarily wealthy will often simply own entire estates and simply travel into the city when needed.

Those who fall shy of this upper class often fill positions that serve to support the demands of those with extravagant amounts of wealth. Such as house servants, maids, butlers, cooks, groundskeepers, or laborers tasked with operating storefronts. While those who occupy this class have nowhere near the level of luxury that others within the city have, they still benefit immensely from the myriad of benefits living within a wealthy area. Benefits which allow them to live much nicer lives than even those who hold similar occupations within other parts of the Empire. Benefits that only seem likely to increase as legislation from the Council seem to invariably raise the common folk up.

While one of the more ethnically diverse of the Inner Provinces, due to the large influx of immigration they experienced, that has fully served to erase the xenophobic trends that can be found within the entirety of the Inner Provinces. Thus while most consider the Dumani and the various ethnicities of the Republic Isle's immigrants to be better acclimated and more accepting of the Empire's values, this has in no way changed the degree of prejudice that exists regarding the Tontari people or any east of the Zerathian Deserts.


Governance within Vortagen begins, much like all other provinces save the capital, is managed by its respective provincial lord, the noble house given the province. In the case of Vortagen, this House is and has always been, House Vonswald.

However, while the Vonswalds deal with the more day to day tasks related to regulating a province, both the house and province serve the crown above all else. An arrangement that shows itself in two main forms, taxation and national legislation.

Within most provinces, there exist two forms of tax, the Empire's property tax, and provincial land tax. The former is regulated solely by the Empire and is delivered directly to the crown in order to facilitate government expenditure. These taxes affect both any time personal property is moved or sold and requires wealthy taxpayers to pay a percentage of the estimated value of their owned property. This estimate is gathered after a tax collector's assessment of the taxpayer's holdings. This process is far simpler for lower-earning members of Vortagen, as rather than undergoing individual assessment, they simply pay taxes with rates based on an annual assessment of their communities. The latter land tax is a separate tax that is primarily used to support the provincial lord's livelihood and is simply a cut that the ruling House recoups for allowing others to own land within their jurisdiction.

As one of the largest Inner Provinces, the provincial tax in Vortagen is quite high. As not only must the tax go towards funding House Vonswald, but most provincial spending must come out of the noble houses pockets. The largest cost typically proving to be the upkeep of Vortagen's Provincial Army.

Directly below House Vortagen, there are the city governors, who mostly manage civilian issues in their respective cities and surrounding lands such as public services, legal disputes, low-level justice. While the policies these governors enact are subservient to both the decrees of the ruling house and the crown their presence ensures that the process of running an area as large as Vortagen is a touch smoother.


As the province with the largest standing army at all times, the defense of Vortagen is often thought completely impenetrable. So large is their provincial army that while the numbers have never been officially released, it is believed that the single province possesses more troops than the entirety of the Shoffenway Military Police. However, Vortagen does more than just simply ensuring they have a large force, but they spare no expense making sure their forces are as well-armed and well trained as possible.

While this large Provincial Army is used to police and protect the interests of Vortagen much like most Provincial Armies, this alone wouldn't be anywhere near worth the investment put into the force. So instead, the Vonswalds routinely loan out small detachments both to serve as personal security forces for nobles and to fill in the ranks of the Royal Army when they are unable to muster up the numbers required. This extremely lucrative arrangement not only causes the price of upkeep for the army to be substantially mitigated but can even result in years that the Provincial Army pays for themselves.

The importance of Vortagen's military has done more than warp the economic position of the province around it, as it's presence has come to define a large part of the Vortagen culture as well. With a strong emphasis on duty and responsibility baked into their way of life, it is almost a given that once a boy comes of age he will enlist for a position within the army. While those of noble birth will typically only serve for a handful of years before stepping down and turning their attention towards managing their families estates, it's extremely common for commoners or younger siblings far from the line of succession to pursue a long military career. However, regardless of whether or not one chooses to remain in the army, this ubiquitous military experience is a crucial aspect of nearly everyone who takes permanent residence in Vortagen. So deeply is this ingrained in the culture that discipline and valor are stressed in almost every part of Vortagen society. Not only are the troops respected, but the willingness to lay down anything in the service of one's land is stressed even towards those outside of the armed forces.


As one of the largest Inner Provinces, almost any commercial good that can be found in the Empire can be found somewhere in Vortagen. Whether that means an expensive gemstone that's been expertly cut by an artisan jeweler, or high-value contraband auctioned off behind an estate's closed doors. However, this holds the same in many of the Inner Provinces. It is beyond these commercial goods, that the differences between each province's economies can be better observed.

While Vortagen has never been known for possessing a large Thermal industry or market, this hasn't stopped those seeking the cutting edge of technology from getting them. While the high costs of import combined with the initially high price of Thermal devices ensure that only those willing to pay a premium can afford them, it still isn't extremely uncommon to find a Shoffencart around large cities.

However, the strongest points in Vortagen's economy have always been its metallurgy, smithing, horse-breeding, and military export. For despite it never putting a focus on the expansion of Thermal technology, the province proved to be one of the first to began implementing the technology into their factories. A practice that was quickly adopted by others, in no small part due to the massive increase they witnessed in the Vortagen markets.


Unlike most of the Inner Provinces during the construction of the Empire, both House Byron and House Vonswald had a long-standing relationship that started far before the start of The Progenitor's Conquests. Thus it was House Vonswald who were the first of the eight houses to make up the Empire of Bryonsworth to join, more than that the Vonswald's agreed to join Alistair's experiment of their own volition. Even going so far as to lend forces to assist in the conquest of uncooperative houses. Gaining a large sum of land to add to their newfound province in return. An arrangement that would carry forwards into the modern-day. While at the time such a gamble would have seemed absurd to most, given that most considered House Vonswald to hold substantially more assets than the house they pledged themselves under. Yet regardless of how much of a one-sided arrangement it may have looked from the outset, the results of The Progenitor's Conquests tell a different story. For if Alistair possessed the determination to subjugate half a continent, then it can only be assumed he would have faced down the Vonswalds with enough intensity to cause them to both self-destruct. Of course, whether this was something the Vonswalds knew when they made the deal, is something only they know.

To many, Vortagen has always been seen as the second capital, both due to the Vonswald's close relationship to the Byrons and due to its historical significance in major events such as The Roer Agreement. And it is this perception that has caused Vortagen to earn its reputation of excellence and it's status as The Empire's Pride.

It is this reputation that the Vortagen people do their utmost to live up to. For to be the greatest is not merely a title, but a responsibility. A duty to carry such a title and all the burdens that come with it, to be the golden standard. For if perfection is flawed, then what chance do the imperfect have. While many outside of Vortagen perceive such sentiments as an excessive amount of pride or vanity, pride is something the Vortagen's celebrate. To take honor in what one can provide and accomplish is befitting those born into the noble lands of Vortagen, such excellence is expected of them. It is only when pride turns to arrogance, and a belief one is far better than what they can accomplish that pride is in excess.

For failure is permissible, however, it is by refusing to accept one's shortcomings in an attempt to save face that the pride of all Vortagens is tarnished. And there is no greater disgrace than to fail to Honor the Pride.


Situated in the middle of the Hartlands, the majority of Vortagen's land is comprised of verdant plains and rolling hills. With it's edges to the north stretching into the colder mountain ranges of the Highlands, while it's western borders directly brush against the edge of Valencia. Scattered across these wide plains are vast stretches of vineyards, farmlands, and estate property. With most major cities clustered around the capital of Roer, directly adjacent to Runner's Channel, the Empire's largest river where most imports and exports were handled up until the installation of the Shoffenway. Due to its extremely easy terrain, the Shoffenway network in Vortagen is quite advanced. Connecting the highest percentage of towns and cities of any province, allowing the people of Vortagen to travel with far fewer limitations than even some of the other Inner Provinces.

"Honor the Pride."

Alternative Name(s)
The Empire's Pride
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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