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Fishmonger's Union

The Fishmonger's Union is a loose organization of working class fisherman, fishery workers, dock workers, and fishmongers. It is the largest Guild in the Asilo Guild Consortium in terms of membership, as the fishing industry is a necessity for life in the Afthonian Peninsula.

The Fishers currently hold only two seats in the Consortium, despite being the largest Guild. Due to their consistent growth, they are trying to install a third representative, but have been met with resistance from top Guilds. The more powerful Guilds see the Fishmonger's Union's request as a gateway to mob rule, while the lower-ranking Guilds see more Fisher seats as an opportunity to weaken the power of the few elite.

The Fishmonger's Union is arguably the oldest Guild in Byzu Mora, as fishing has been a necessary profession as long as there have been people on the coast, and likewise have always held some form of organization throughout history. However, to downplay the importance of the Fisher's Guild, the more powerful Guilds in the Consortium posit that the Guild can be no older than the closure of the Hell Portals.

Founding Date
Official: 1 ANH, Historical: 5000+ BNH
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Fisher's Guild, The Fishers
Consortium Seats


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