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Purphoros' Dedicated

Purphoros' Dedicated
 is the organized church which worships Purphoros, god of the forge. 
  Given the prevalence and reliance on the manufacture of Byzu Steel both for daily domestic life and export, Purphoros is one of the most-worshipped deities in Byzu Mora. It is highly uncommon to see a forge in Byzu Mora without some form of symbol, charm, or idol to the god. Likewise, artisans of any sort will likely honor Purphoros in some way in their workshop, either through items or maintaining a small symbolic fire as they work.
  While many of those who worship Purphoros may not explicitly attend services held by them, the Dedicated spend their resources maintaining religious texts and commissioning various idolatry and artifacts for church buildings or sale. Given the deity's significance in Byzu Mora, the Dedicated hold two seats in the Asilo Guild Consortium, though the Consortium has little actual control over the church's dealings.

foteini estia,
ygii sfyrilatisi
(bright hearth, healthy forge)

Religious, Pantheon
Consortium Seats


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